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Welcome to The Greatest Book Documentary Toolkit

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Countdown to Campaign Ends
Time to get your team fired up!
All you should need for this campaign.
Missing something? Ask your team leader or contact us.
Visit the Assets Menu to find out more about the assets and access the product flyer.
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Global Dashboard
To access the full Klipfolio dashboard and view your regional or locality sales breakdown, click below.
Password: TGB@2022
Trailer Video
The trailer link is not to be shared with customers.
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Live Q&A
Ask a question about this product or campaign.
This is your chance to ask a question to other volunteers or to the global team. If you see a question you'd like to see answered, vote it up by clicking the 'thumbs up' button, and we will address the most popular questions first.
To find out more about Slido click here.
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What is a sales campaign?A UBTH sales campaign is when the sales team assist the UBTH team in selling their products to localities globally.
How many people work on the UBTH team?Head to our onboarding page to find out more about the global UBTH team.
Who is on the UBTH sales team?The sales team structure is as follows.
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