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Thrive #1 Workshop Feedback

Over 3,500 housewives joined us on November 16th for the inaugural Thrive workshop - the first of many in this exciting new space. The topic of this workshop was Effective Time Management in the Home.

3,569 Attendees

2,200 plays of the recording

768 lines of feedback

9.01/10 rating

Some feedback below:

"Excellent sound advice and a good reminder about putting family first, and making sure the important things are planned in, and then working in everything else around those."

"Being a fairly new housewife, I've heard of and used these principles in work-life but found it hard to apply in the household setting, priorities and to-dos are all so different. The result is stress and wasted time that could be avoided. I didn't know where to start to get the good habits going - now I do :)"

"Short, good time, reality, and helped sort out this constant feeling of so many things needing to be done at C&Co/OSG etc - volunteer areas, and be able to say no when it is will take us to box 3. Thank you for reiterating family is first."

The feedback given from the housewives was excellent in giving us an insight into what our customers are wanting to see in these workshops going forward, so watch this space to hear about upcoming Thrive Workshops in 2022!

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